March 9th - 1st April 2014
This chapter is still finishing up the porch section with the sliding windows (two out of four) and the ceiling roof. So, first up was to paint all the pieces the usual burnt umber color. I am actually finishing my last tube of this color which is surprising since two bottles were used to paint all of the brown trim of the house. Not bad trying to be frugal with acrylic paint!
I glued and painted the roof piece and fitted it in as well as the trim inside the porch. The nice thing about this kit is the detail. There are small wooden sticks that are installed in each angle of the rooms and the porches to hide the juncture points. Even so, it still doesn’t hide the gap in the porch area. I seriously considered taking it apart but having glued it in so well, it wasn’t budging, so it stays that way. Next were the outside wooden additions and the ceiling/roof. And finally, the trim to the top of the roof.
Adding the internal finishing. |
Adding the external finishing |
Internal detail of the ceiling/roof section |
Finished roof with trim. |
I had two of the four sliding windows to make here too, which I did and put aside.
Windows to be installed later. |
Next up was the small garden / bamboo plant for the landing. This thing was supposed to house the tōrō lantern too but since it will not, I opted for filling it in with some grass and moss material.
First thing was to find some pics of decent bamboo. I found one that I liked that showed the bamboo stalks yellowish rather than green.
Bamboo inspiration. |
Some would be a bit bent but not as many or as severe as the instructions shown in the kit so, I bent a few pieces of the sticks after cutting them into different lengths. That meant soaking them and then bending them overnite.
Once they were dried, I mixed some green and yellow acrylic and painted the bamboo. I then added some details where the bamboo stalks separate - following the inspirational pic. The kit came with some green wire to be used for the branches of the stalks but it was much too thick. I had already purchased some paper covered wire from Georgia Steeds over at her
Miniature Garden Centre (and some kits but those will be used later...) so I figured this would be the perfect time to use some of the wire.
Bending the sticks. |
Slight bend to some of the bamboo. |
Obvious difference in thickness of the kit's wires. |
I added branches by twisting then separating the wire. The pic had most of the foliage toward the top of the stalks so I was going to try and go with that. The shorter stalks would have lower branches anyway. I then gave a quick touch up with yellow to the wires have the branches be a little less dark green.
Decorated bamboo stalks. |
Added branches using the fine wire. |
Next I covered the base with some more of the synthetic moss and the static grass. Then I trimmed the bottom edges of the bamboo stalks and inserted them into the base. The next step was cutting out all of the leaves.
The base before being shaped and covered with moss. |
| | |
After the grass and moss treatment. |
Inserting the bamboo into the baase. |
Bamboo leaf template |
Cutting out the leaves. |
This took longer than I thought for two reasons. I wasn’t really liking the color and ended up shading the backside with some green to give it some movement and then my sister arrived for a two week visit. So, adding anything to the bamboo tree was delayed. I did get back to it by the 30th March and finished cutting and gluing the leaves on. In the end, I covered the tree branches overall without really overloading the top. I gave the leaves a slight brushing of varnish to bring out the color.
Painting in a little color. |
Finished bamboo tree. |
During the tree decorating, I decided to add a small “vase” in the corner where the tōrō was supposed to go. I had a coral bead (white sponge coral painted coral color - not real red coral :-) so I varnished that a bit too and used that as a vase. I had already opened Georgia’s kits so I decided to use one of the orchid kits (the cattleya) to make a small arrangement.
Miniature Garden Centre kit. |
The pieces in the kit are SUPER small and my hands are lousy in managing such small paper cut outs. I had to use tweezers and a toothpick for managing the pieces. I also used a piece of acetate to glue the starting dots where the other petals would be mounted. I knew I’d be able to unattach the flowers from there once completed.
Teeny tiny pieces from the kit. |
Flower mounted on an acetate sheet for easy removal. |
Orchid painted and ready for mounting on the wire stems. |
Finished orchid plant mounted next to the bamboo. |
They are a little open for orchids but I actually like the final effect.
Eventual position for the bamboo tree and plant. |
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