Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Chapter 120 - Installing the Roof, Installing the Lanterns, The Ryokan Sign

November 18th - 19th 2014
Well, the final big step was installing the roof onto the house.  I checked before and noticed that the roof doesn’t lie perfectly flat on the top of the last floor so I applied large globs of glue in the four corners and positioned the roof on top.  I figured that the weight will hold it in place and the glue will stop it from sliding.  It would be very easy to remove if needed (perhaps for moving the house to a different location?) and then reattach.  I think it looks very super
Globs of glue....
Roof is on.  Looks crooked to me but that's me overcompensating....
I then attached the lanterns using the little hooks I had purchased.  I am glad I had already drilled the holes when I did as it would have been impossible to install these according to the kit instructions (with little nails).  I put a drop of glue on the end of each one and inserted them into their respective holes.  They also are super!
The tiny clips that would fit into the tiny drilled holes.
Lantern in place.
The last thing to put together from the kit (not counting also the last little armrests which I will eventually make) is the signage.  Lots of tiny pieces here and it took me a bit to put it together.  I aged it a bit with some black wash and left it to dry.  I’m going to leave it this way without varnishing it. 
Tiny bits and pieces.
Assembled signage.

Dirtied and in position.
And the build is complete.  What’s left are the little details and things I want to add to the kit that were not part of it.  I want to finish the back with some landscaping and more storage area stuff.  So, from now on, it’s Intermediate Work - which is really Additional Work.  Still, it’s pretty sad having completed the house from a building point of view.  It has been a challenge but also has kept my mind busy and occupied.  Here are some more pics:
Open house.
Left side porches and spa changing room.

Right side porches and kitchen.

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